Usually when strolling through blogs "window shopping" if something really strikes me I bookmark it for proper credit given, alas, this time I did not. I'm sure Meeka would never have been so irresponsible.
Thus I hope to not step on any toes as I copy an idea that grabbed me on another blog. If this came from any of your posts please let me know and I will make proper amendments and commendations. They say imitation is the best form of flattery. . . or plagiarism. . . something like that.
(Yes, yes I know, a "they say" and a cliche in the same sentence. As much as I shy away from both it seems the innocuous "They" and cliches do come in handy!)
The idea that struck me and stayed with me was to tell the story behind my 4legged friends name.
Meeka has the best story, although Maizeys' story is one that warms my heart.
When I wanted to adopt Meeka she was being fostered about three hours from here. Mehusbandy and I went to check her out and make sure we could give her the best home. Once he met her it was an instant fit and we started talking names. We even got online and went through a bunch of those name lists, but I already had an idea.
Synonyms for meek include: gentle, peaceful, patient. But in ancient greek the word meek has the connotation of being teachable. This was one of the first things I noticed about my Meeka- her teachableness. Little did I know that she would end up teaching me far more about composure and confidence, gentleness and peacefulness than I would ever teach her.
"Me teachable? I just The Big Goof!"
My Meek-a Rottie
A note: the recently unveiled 4Legged Full Life Harmony feature of Lessons From and For 4 Legs is under construction and will return at a later date to a page tab near you.
Hello...I found your blog via the Pets Blogroll and I am so glad I stopped by! Your dogs are precious and your site is very inviting!
I am now your newest Google Friend Connect Follower and I hope you will my blog soon!
When you mentioned you got your idea for revealing the reasons why Meeka has a unique name from The Name Game that started via and I'm that little dachshund wouldn't mind one that you liked his idea!
What is size ?
As to the amount of love in a heart x x x
Hi The Teachers Pets, and Welcome! I hope you enjoy reading and come back often!
I really like the Pets Blogroll I have found some interesting blogs there! and thanks for the heads up where the name game came from I really enjoyed it.
I would love to hear the name stories of all your 4legged kids too!
Hi Amie Soto Blossom and michele, i agree its the size of the love in the heart that is most important!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us. I love to think that there was another rottie like our Laura :)
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