Friday, April 30, 2010

All About Meeka

Sometimes it seems our "challenges" get the lions share of our attention, both mental and physical. 

"Who you callin a 'challenge?"

And though I wouldn't say Maizey is a challenge per say, she certainly is the one of my pups I spend the most thought on. But today was Meeka's day to walk and as we did our 1.8 miles together I was reminded again just what a great friend she is.

Ever since Meeka had Melanoma removed last year we have been watching her very carefully for signs the cancer had spread. Thankfully it hasn't thus far. But about six months ago we started seeing some very tricky symptoms appearing. Back to the vet we went. Between both of  Maizey's knee surgeries, Meeka's Melanoma, diagnosing and then treating and losing my Little Man to Cushings Disease, it feels like we have lived at the vet over the last year or so. Thankfully we think our vet is a very great guy!

These have proven to be "tricky" symptoms because diagnosis has been just that, tricky and it wasn't until the beginning of the month that our vet told us we should start learning about Degenerative Myelopathy. Back to Google I went.LOL Still, we aren't sure if she has it, its a wait and see type of situation. But at the same visit he started her on a stronger pain med for arthritis she suffers from. I didn't think it was making any difference until our walk today.

Today was the first day in at least six months that Meeka has walked much more than a mile. Normally it is just too far, but today she seemed much her normal peppy self. It was glorious, I just reveled in it.

I titled our walk: "What I Love About Meeka" And thus I give you:

She thinks 80lbs of Rottweiler is small.

The best, "huh crazymomlady? did you say 'Are you hungry?" look ever.

She loves all things pink. . .

fuzzy. . .

and soft.

She's not afraid of anything. Not even playing in the snow in the dark. . .

or showing her softer side to the world.

She loved Little Man too.

Since there is no way I could cover everything I love about Meeka at once stay tuned for updates!


Unknown said...

Katie, what a beautiful post about your beautiful rottie girl!

Doesn't it look like their face never shows signs of ageing? meeka is gorgeous, and such a sweetie pie!! I hope she has a long happy time with you!

About Eva's legs, they are just very weak and also cowhocked, so we're trying to streghthen them....

Marie said...

Gotta love Meeka!

Soggibottom said...

Some dogs always will be just that pups, no matter how big they are.
x x x
Good luck Meeka
lots of love AMIE soto blossom

katie, Maizey and Magnus said...

thx for your nice comments everyone, Meeka really is a special girl!

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Lessons From and For 4 Legs has moved to a new address: Where we will continue to learn life's lessons from my little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's, Maizey and Magnus. Don't miss Meeka's lessons too, by checking the archives of my big girl rescue Rottie. They all teach me so much!